Whew! Last week flew by for us. I cannot believe how much we packed into just seven days. Take a look:
Sunday: We returned home from a weekend of training for our trip to India this summer. We had a great time with our team and enjoyed some incredible Indian food in KC. Hard to believe we leave in just a few short months! Little Miss was zonked out when we got home. :) So, to recover we let her watch some extra Baby Einstein.
Tuesday: Valentines Day! Bob and I both have busy Tuesday nights, but Hannah found time to give Daddy her Valentines Day card. How can you not love this picture? It melts my heart.
Wednesday: Aunt Rebecca left for Australia for 6 months so we headed back to KC to see her off. We tried to get a picture of Hannah with Rebecca, but she (Rebecca) protested because she had no make-up on. Boo. We also got in some good grandma time. :) Love that!
Hannah and Grandma D |
Thursday: StuMo hosts a Valentines Day Dessert and Dance every year and it is always a highlight for us! We were really excited because all of our cheer friends were able to join us at the banquet. What a privilege and blessing! And of course, Hannah was busy stealing the show with all of her cuteness. I mean, how could she not?
All the Cheer Ladies at the V-Day Banquet-- Gorgeous! |
Friday: Aunt Rebecca made it to Australia! So fun to skype with you. :) Stop by and see us in India on your way home to America!
See what I mean? We were B.U.S.Y. But, we wouldn't trade it for the world. Here's to another great week!