Friday, March 16, 2012


I bet you're wondering what that title has to do with anything.  Well, we'll  get there.

March is a very busy month for the Harrison household.  Besides being a very hectic time with work, we have lots of family life that gets thrown in the mix too.

This week started off with my BIRTHDAY!  :)  I'm not a "huge celebration with lots of people" kinda girl, so my day was perfect for me.  My friends surprised me by taking me out for an early morning breakfast at Early Edition- my fav- and showered me with lots of cards filled with sweet, sweet notes.  Bob was able to take a few hours over lunch away from campus and headed home to hang out with Hannah girl and me.  Hannah and I went on a walk later in the afternoon and we finished it all up with our Bible Study with our favorites- the cheer girls.  Unfortunately, no pictures from this day.  Boo.  I'm trying to do a better job of keeping a real camera (and not just my iphone) with me at all times.

Two days later, Bob and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary!  It has hands down been the best three years of my life.  In that short amount of time- we've packed in a lot... I've changed jobs, got my grad degree, we moved, bought a house, traveled to India, redid our basement and had our little Hannah girl.  I wouldn't trade our story for the world.  For our anniversary, Bob let me pick what I wanted to do (yes!) so, we headed to get some sushi and then Orange Leaf.  We didn't do gifts this year, but decided instead to save up for something for our house that we both a toilet.  Kidding!  Only kinda.
And, although on a real camera, this is our only picture from the night.  In the car.

On Thursday, we discovered that Hannah girl was getting 2 TEETH!  AHHH!  How did that happen so fast??  My little baby keeps getting bigger and bigger every day.  So, for the record books, we have 2 teeth at 6 1/2 months.
No pictures of the teeth yet, but here's one from Hannah and Bob at StuMo night, which is the day we realized she had teeth.  That counts, right?
Do they look related? :)
Lastly, the bugs.  I decided to celebrate our anniversary by getting bit by a spider.  Lovely.  The doctors still aren't sure what it was (possibly a brown recluse), but let's just say the whole back of my left thigh has taken a beating. Swollen, red, painful, tight muscle.  I'll spare you the pictures.  I'm on my second round of antibiotics so hopefully that will take care of it.  :)

What a crazy, but CELEBRATORY, week!  

K-State is on Spring Break this next week so we're looking forward to enjoying some extended time together as a family of 3.  Yay!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I'm so thankful that I have a go-with-the-flow Baby Girl.  I just got her tucked into bed, at 9:45, which because of daylight savings its 10:45.  Whoa.  And we went to Wal-Mart right before that. Sometimes I wonder what people think when they see a 6 month old at the store past 8pm.  Who knows?  Hannah goes lots of places most 6 months old don't.  She's my little adventurer.

Here's what we've been up doing lately:
Shopping at Hobby Lobby  with our incredible  seat cover- Thanks Donna!
Meeting our "new friend"- Oh hey there!
Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures.  Sometimes a momma has to get stuff done!  In case you are wondering, yes, that is my iphone propped up against a baby toy playing Baby Einstein.  Ha!
Oh, yes.  I am that mom!
And our most fun adventure is that Little Miss turned 6 months on Monday!  I seriously cannot believe we have already been blessed with half a year with Hannah Kate. 
So I don't forget down the road, here's some of her favorites:
Mornings, laughing, Baby Einstein Animals, smiling at everyone, "singing"- a.k.a screaming, sweet potatoes, reading your shape book and "Squishy Turtle," talking- especially if she has something in her mouth, looking out the window in the hearth room, JUMPING!!!
Little Miss is NOT a fan of:
nursery at church, Rice Cereal
A funny thing:
Every night when I put on her jammies, she laughs!  I have no idea why.  Maybe being naked? Whatever the reason, I can't get enough of her giggles!

Hey There, Blue Eyes!

 Bob and I also celebrate our 3 year anniversary this week and I turn 27.  Wahoo!  It's a week full of adventures for us!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Carrots are Yummy

We love carrots.  Enough said. :)

Yummy Yummy. Kinda.

On Wednesday we began a new adventure in parenting- solid foods.  More like mushy, soupy foods, but nonetheless, food.  Real food.

Prior to our adventure I kept thinking about how glorious transitioning to solids was going to be.  I just KNEW Hannah would love them.  She had been reaching for our food for a while now so I knew she was going to be quite the champ.  I knew she would just devour them.

As all good first time parents, we made sure Hannah looked her best so we could snap her picture as she ate her soon to be favorite rice cereal.  Bob even suggested we put her headband on.  :)  We had the camera charged, video camera ready.

Unfortunately, Hannah's big debut wasn't as glamorous as I had hoped.  Rice cereal is certainly not her favorite.  Let's watch the progression---
What is this stuff??

Why would you make me eat this?

This is horrible!  Please let it be over!

 What an adventure!  We actually had a lot of fun and we're so glad that Daddy could be home to watch the whole thing happen.  What a blessing!  And, we've since had carrots which she likes WAY better. :)