Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Even though things have slowed down in Manhattan, Hannah seemed to miss the memo.  She continues to change, change, change.  Seriously, someone should tell that girl to slow down! 

Here's a few changes that have been happening in our house!

Hannah is crawling!! She has been scooting for quite a while now, but just a few days ago she realized she could move! This girl is F.A.S.T.  It will be interesting to see how this crawling 9-month old does cooped up on a plane for 18+ hours as we fly to India.  I'll keep you posted!

Move it or lose it, Momma!

We have begun our preparations for India!  Crazy to think we leave in 13 days.  Hannah and I went to HyVee yesterday and stocked up on her baby food.  The whole cart was FULL of baby food and snacks- over 40 pounds of food!  The guy behind me in line said, "You must not like to go shopping very often."  Ha!
(Side note:  I put in HyVee's comment box that they should get "New and Expectant Mother" parking spots. Why does NO ONE in Manhattan have these?  So, just for the record, if they get them, I suggested it. :) )

Hannah's mantra must be (like her daddy), "Go big or go home!"  Why stop at just crawling?  In the very same day that she started crawling, she realized she could pull herself onto her bottom and stand up!  Genius.  I thought it was just a one-time thing when she did it, but imagine my surprise when I went to get her in the morning and found this--

Oh hey there!

So, the stand up/pull up is now commonplace in our home.  She especially loves the bay window- I think mostly because she can see the traffic and watch the trees.  

Nice hair-do Hannah
Bob and I have really been enjoying a slower pace of life, just the 2 of us, before we head out for India.  We cannot wait to go!  It still seems a little surreal, but as we begin packing, finalizing travel details, and getting our last shots, it is beginning to sink in.  Here's to another adventure!

Oh!  And the last bit of good news?  Hannah slept through the night for the past TWO nights.  Hallelujah.  AND we've been putting her to bed at 8.  Instead of like 10 or 10:30.  I've reintroducing myself to the evening.  And I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow she is fast! Can't believe how much she's changing - she won't be the same kid when we see her next.
    And I loved the looks we got from people while shopping for Landon's food for India. Definitely not a typical shopping trip!
    Enjoy your last days at home!
