Happy 9 months to our sweet baby girl!
Hannah celebrated her NINE month birthday by flying half-way around the world. She is such a trooper! (and she seriously did a.m.a.z.i.n.g on all the flights, except for our last one...thank goodness for the DumDum sucker...)
I am convinced that with every month that passes, Hannah only gets cuter, more fun, more engaging and develops more and more of her personality. She is an absolute BLAST to be around.
These days she is busy, busy, busy. Hannah loves to be moving and is really only still when she is sleeping. She loves to crawl, pulls herself up on almost everything, babble, and read books. She laughs all the time! The other day, Bob, Hannah and I were watching some T.V. and Bob laughed during a commercial. Hannah stopped what she was doing and started laughing so loud! It was too cute. Hannah is also quite the poser. You get out a camera, or an iPhone, and that girl knows what's up. She smiles like nobody's business. However, the flash does throw her off a bit. Ha! Hannah also loves to be with me. Especially with all of our travel, she has been attached to my hip. Very sweet, but not so helpful with unpacking. :)
And, one for the record books:
Hannah Kate, your daddy and I love you so much. We cannot imagine our life without you. You have enhanced our life in more ways than you will ever know. You make us laugh all the time. Thanks for always wanting to play with us, stay awake with us, and take steps of faith with us. Thanks for being brave and going to India. You are a special girl, Hannah, and I know one day you will change the world. Thanks for the privilege of being your momma. I love you to the moon and back.
Hannah celebrated her NINE month birthday by flying half-way around the world. She is such a trooper! (and she seriously did a.m.a.z.i.n.g on all the flights, except for our last one...thank goodness for the DumDum sucker...)
And, one for the record books:
Hannah Kate, your daddy and I love you so much. We cannot imagine our life without you. You have enhanced our life in more ways than you will ever know. You make us laugh all the time. Thanks for always wanting to play with us, stay awake with us, and take steps of faith with us. Thanks for being brave and going to India. You are a special girl, Hannah, and I know one day you will change the world. Thanks for the privilege of being your momma. I love you to the moon and back.
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