Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!" Luke 24:5b-6
Yay! He is Risen! :) |
I love Easter. Not just because of all of the newness of life outside- flowers, trees blooming and budding, birds singing- but because of what it means. Christ has beaten death. Christ reigns. Hallelujah.
We had a wonderful time celebrating Easter with our little family of 3. Instead of heading back to Kansas City to spend it with family, we just stayed in good ol' Manhattan. Glorious. Since we do a lot of traveling, a lot of times staying at home feels like a vacation.
Although it was Hannah's first Easter, we didn't really even do anything that "Easter-y." No basket, no dying of eggs, not even any jelly beans (mama's fav.) But, to our surprise, on Easter morning, our house had been "egg-ed" by some of our friends. They had scattered some plastic eggs filled with candy throughout our humongous 10x10 front yard. :) It was so fun! Even though Hannah is too little to even understand what was going on, we took some pictures that are definitely worth sharing.
Looking for Eggs with Mama |
I love this picture of Hannah and Bob. I've learned that the best way to capture great pics with a very fast moving baby and an average camera is to use the "sport" setting. It takes lots of pictures quickly. That's how this great pic was snapped. I'm so glad I caught this moment.
What do you think he's saying? --- "Hannah, let's get all the eggs filled with chocolate before Mom. I'll share with you." Probably not. I bet he's saying, "Hannah, I love you. Hannah, Daddy loves you very much."  |
Secret Sharing |
There were a few students in town for Easter,so we decided to have an "extended family" dinner. We are a very blessed family- Hannah has a TON of "aunts" and "uncles," in fact, she probably has more friends than me. We had a blast with our friends and were so glad they could come over- OH! And they even cleaned up AND loaded my dishwasher for me. Wow.
Our "Extended" Family |
They also snapped some photos of our little family of 3 before they left. We had tried taking some with a timer on the camera earlier, but it is difficult to get a baby to look at the camera when you're not behind it. So, photo credit goes to Maria and smiling baby credit to Jordan. Thanks for jumping around like a goof to get Hannah to smile!
And here's one more picture of the babe. She's just too pretty not to share. I think her Dad is going to have his hands full when she gets older. :)
Happy Easter! We hope you had a blessed time celebrating!
What sweet pictures. I love her Easter dress!