Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Wow.  It's April 3.  How did that happen?  This post doesn't have a theme or any point really.  Just an update and lots of pictures of the cute baby.  Because that's all people really want to see anyway, right?

1- Our India Team!  What a fun, fun group!  Hard to believe that we are leaving 2 months from TOMORROW.  Whoa.  That got here quickly!

2- Baby Girl playing with daddy at the ER.  After 3 doctor appointments, 1 trip to the ER, and 3 different medications... the spider bite is no longer an issue.  :)  But I a lot more worried now if I EVER feel ANYTHING touch my leg/arm/neck/whatever.  

3- New curtains!  Over Spring Break the boys in the family went fly-fishing for a few days.  So, Hannah girl and I went to my mom's house for a little vacation.  It was a blast!  We relaxed, played a lot, shopped for bridesmaid dresses, and mostly importantly lengthened my curtains.  I LOVE these purple curtains, but they were always a bit too short. Problem-solved!  I love the black tone-on-tone fleur-de-lei fabric we added to the bottom.  Gorgeous! 

4- A picture of me and Hannah playing.  She's moving- like always- but I take so few pictures WITH her, that this will have to do.

5-  Fun in the sun.   I love walking around campus with this girl.  Plus, they have the best sidewalks.

6-  Bath time! This has become more and more important for Hannah.  Because she eats real food now, I feel like I always have a dirty baby.  The other day we left the house and she had prunes on her ear lobe.  Gross.  But seriously, how can you not fall in love with that sweet face?!?!

 Hannah turns 7 months on Thursday- so expect another post then!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun India team picture!! We totally should have done something like that!
    And just wait till this summer for some serious bath time. Landon would get sooooo sweaty it was sick, so he took baths almost every night (which was kind of a pain when you're having to heat up filtered water on the stove, but at least you'll be able to do it yourself and not have to ask your house help to do it every time, ha ha)
